what principles of the enlightenment did composers seek to follow in music?

Essential Question: What influence did the enlightenment accept on the arts and instruction in the Early Modern times?

A Baroque Painting


  • 1 Summary of Research
  • 2 Nigh the Arts and Education
    • 2.1 The two main styles of Art
    • 2.two Most the Music
      • ii.2.1 Famous Composers
        • ii.two.1.1 Johann Sebastian Bach
        • 2.2.ane.2 George Frederick Handel
      • 2.2.2 The three composers of the Enlightenment
        • 2.ii.two.ane Christoph Willibald Gluck
        • 2.2.two.2 Franz Joseph Haydn
        • 2.two.two.iii Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
    • 2.iii The Education
      • 2.3.1 The Men of Science and Math
        • 2.iii.1.1 René Descartes
        • 2.3.1.ii Sir Isaac Newton
  • 3 Analysis
  • 4 Conclusion
  • 5 References

Summary of Research

The enlightenment the arts and pedagogy were always irresolute. Baroque which was a famous styling of art that was constantly being modified. Its was a form of painting that were often grand and circuitous, but information technology was also a form of music that had spread outward from Italy and into other parts of Europe. As time passed the Baroque styles had evolved in Rococo which had a fleck more than of and elegant touch to it. When it came to the music it started off as classical contemporary and had afterward turned into secular form of music. Composers like Bach and Handel had pave the style for composers like Haydn, Gluck, and Mozart and those that com later them. When it come to education Rene Descartes and Sir Isaac Newton were the ones that left the biggest imprint in the world of education when information technology came to mathematics. Their inventions in the math world are still beingness used to this day.

About the Arts and Education

The 2 main styles of Fine art

Due to the spreading ideas of Enlightenment things such as the arts were afflicted by this and during the 1600 and 1700's the arts had to evolve in lodge to proceed up with the changing tastes. Considering of the constant irresolute of the art Courtly Arts was created and was usually considered to exist the Greek or Roman style and if information technology wasn't was considered to be in the grand traditional and complex style known as Baroque which has been dated between the 1600 and 1750. This item mode made large colorful painting that were full of excitement and had shown keen battles as well as the lives of the saints. Baroque wasn't only about the paintings but it was as well near the music. This new styling had spread outward from Italy and was accepted in other places in Europe. These particular styles of compositions and performances that were mixed with the native traditions had produced regional variations that were very different from the Italian way. Past the time that the 1700's had rolled around the arts had inverse once more but this an art form known as Rococo was being used. The difference between this art grade and the previous ane, Baroque was that the style of Rococo was much more than personal and had an elegant touch to it. When always this manner was painted it often included noble subjects in rural areas surrounded by their happy servants and pets

About the Music

As the fine art evolved so did the music. Ballets as well equally operas were the "in" thing and were but performed for the royals and one point just was soon spreading from Italy and right into England where people perform for people willing to pay. But music was probably the abstract of all, and wasn't as easy to establish due the connections information technology had with the social and political portions during the time. The biggest amazement was that the music similarly closeness with Enlightenment. Near of the composers during this time catamenia had created neat music due to the fact that they were surrounded past the thriving culture and art. In the 18th century music had branched out and was now in separate parts of the arts.... at that place were vocal and instrumental which had inverse nearly every kind of musical composition, they came together and fused the 2... vocal and instrumental to create some of the most famous musical compositions known to twenty-four hour period such as concerts, symphony, and sonatas.

Famous Composers

The composers by the name of Bach and Handel weren't considered innovators but were considered wonderful technicians as well as excellent composers and musical geniuses. Their skills are what paved the way for the three great composers of the Enlightenment. Bach and Handel Are oft known as the two composers that paved the way for the greatest composers of the enlightenment. Simply here'due south a little background on Bach and Handel.

Johann Sebastian Bach

Johann Sebastian Bach one of the world's almost famous composers

Was born into an extremely large musical family unit and spent nearly of his life as an organist. But this never stopped him from learning more of his passions for music, he traveled to all parts to listen to the composers play and at one time he ready out to hear the music of Handel only never got a chance to hear him. He studied the Italians who were start to write harmonies with instrumental, he also studied the French who were creating keyboard music based on dance, which is where he learned how to play the organ then well. Although he was an excellent organist he had taught himself how to play the violin where he composite it with his own musical creations. These musical creations of his were secular likewise as church building music that fell nether the categories such as Cantatas , Chorales, Concertos, and Suites he also created solo pieces for the Chellos, violin, organ, as well as for other musical instruments. He spent so much fourth dimension in the 1720's composing pieces such as cantatas that he had created a big repertoire of church music for Leipzig'south 2 churches. Its is believed that afterward all of church works he decided to co-operative out and augment his composing and began performing out side of the liturgy. His secular music had reflected his beloved of life and for crazy humour. Effectually 1749 is when it is believed that is the time when Bach wellness began to pass up. A little after that year he became increasingly blind and in 1750 on July 28 he died to what was reported every bit "unhappy consequences to an unsuccessful eye operation

George Frederick Handel

George Frederick Handel in 1733

Was born in the same yr as Bach and was also born in the same province as Bach. Which was known as the Duchy of Magdeburg (the province of Brandenburg-Prussia). Although he had shown a slap-up amount of musical talent as a child Handel'south father who was a barber-surgeon wanted Handel to pursue something in the medical field or exercise something pertaining to law, but his mother had strongly encouraged Handel with his musical aspirations. Finally giving into his male parent's pressure Handel decided to study police but soon later on the decease of his father Handel had dropped out of law for music. The main difference between Bach and Handel was that Handel had written his music for the purpose of the people while Bach had written music for God. He perfected his ways past copying the compositions of other musicians while absorbing the music of other countries. His compositions had shown the mixtures of music from Germany, France, and specially Italy. In the twelvemonth 1712 Handel had become very addicted of England and had afterwards moved there where he decided to spend the remainder of his life. Although he was a well-respected musical characteristic he was also considered to exist the foreshadower of the Enlightenment. Near of his music were often referring to the English world during the 18th century that were a combination of folk music and land-dances and sometimes he had nature mixed into his music. To the English language people during that time Handel was a national composer who was nigh a national monument before he passed in 1759.

The three composers of the Enlightenment

From Gluck to Haydn to Mozart these were the names of the most famous and well known composers during the Enlightenment and basically had their "way" paved by Bach and Handel.

Christoph Willibald Gluck

Christoph Willibald Gluck in 1775

Was the one that had improved music by principle dissimilar Bach and Handel who improved their music based on instinct. Gluck was a pure musician who is also said to be the main leaders of the operatic reform. He was a conventional composer/conductor of Italian manner operas, but due to the strong influence of the French operas he had moved to Paris where he fused together the tradition of Italian opera and the French version of opera. After he became famous for his styling of piece of work he was given the job as musical director of the Habsburg courtroom it was then that the began to put out his ideas of reform. Although he was part of the operatic reform its been said that opera has always had a problem from its offset. The principal purpose of opera was to back up drama with music. Just often it had seen that the words and the music were just non uniform. Between the years of 1745-1752 Gluck had taken the invitation to become house composer at the London'south King'south Theatre. Due to the rebellion that had taken place in 1745 the King's theatre was shut down and operas that Gluck had composed weren't performed until 1746. The rest of the years to follow were spent with Mingotti's group. After he had revolutionalized opera he died rich, famous and onetime. Many believe that he really died from drinking liqueur against what his doctors told him.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Portrait of Haydn in 1770

Some other famous composer during the Enlightenment. He was born about 24 years before Mozart and died 18 years afterward him. Haydn had spent nearly of is life every bit a court musician for the Esterházy family unit who were very wealthy. when he was a kid his parent had noticed that he a major musical talent and that with staying with them he would never have the chance to show it. So he was given a style to a homo by the name of Johann Matthias Franck who helped him share his talent. In effectually 1749 he matured physically and then much that he was no longer able to sing the high choral parts that the supposed to exercise. He was eventually fired from his job and was out on the street because he had no home to go to. He began to perform and every bit his skill got stronger and so did his reputation. He had received the aristocratic patronage with was a very large bargain back in the day if you wanted to pursue the career every bit a composer. Countess Thun who had seen one of Haydn'south compositions had requested him every bit her singing and keyboard teacher. While he was a "house officeholder" in the Esterházy palace he wrote enough of composition about 104 symphonies, more a dozen string quartets, and uncertain amount of concertos, sonatas, trios, songs, operas, and masses. There were two famous visits made by Haydn in 1790 and 1794 when he was in his sixties. This was considering he had discovered the idea of freedom, he had noticed that instead of writing their works to lodge for the royal court, English composers were wiring on speculation for the public concerts

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

portrait of Mozart as a child in 1763

is probably one of the virtually recognized musical composers of the enlightenment historic period. His talent began a such a young age. When he was about iii years quondam he would watch as his sister while she was having her keyboard lessons and after later she would leave from the keyboard he play thirds (which was recorded past the sis). By the time he was five years quondam he would compose pieces that he would play for his male parent who wrote downwards the notes. As he grew older his pieces became so elaborate that his father had given up completely on attempting to write them down. Mozart had learned beyond what his father was able to teach him. His talent for the keyboard had become very evident at that fourth dimension. As they traveled and performed they were deemed every bit child prodigies because of their talent at such a young age. During his travels he met many musician but the one that the greatest influence on him was Johann Christian Bach.

The Education

The Men of Science and Math

In the earlier centuries one of the showtime of the moral sciences to feel the impact of the new weather condition that were occurring was the scientific discipline of psychology. In the 17th and 18th century the speculation had shifted and was at present centered on noesis itself. Descartes, Hobbes, Locke, and Hume had all contributed to the understanding of thought

René Descartes

was a very famous and influential French Philosopher, mathematician, scientist, and writer. He was well know for a theory that he had created that had became the basis for the calculus of Newton and Leibniz. He had created analytic geometry which had discovered a form of the police force of conservation of momentum. Descartes had showed that the angular radius of a rainbow was 42 degrees with the utilise of geometric construction and the law of refraction. One of the most popular of Descartes inventions that is still used today would be the development of Cartesian Geometry that uses algebra to describe geometry but another would exist the use of superscripts that indicates the exponents.

Sir Isaac Newton

was some other mathematician that was affected by the enlightenment. The majority of his theories and ideas are still existence used to this day. When he had entered trinity college it was said that he didn't want to learn about airstotle but wanted to acquire the more avant-garde ideas of Descartes and astronomers such equally Galileo. When it came to math many historians believed that Newton and Leibniz had created calculus seperate from each other when based on newtons recording he has finished his method well before Leibniz did. But as Leibinz work connected it began to look similar to Newton's then he was deemed as a fraud which had started the Newton vs. Leibniz calculus. This lasted until their deaths. Newton was given credit for his works such as the generalized binomial theorem, Newton'south Identities, Newton's Methods and many more. Because of all his work with mathematics he was elected the role of Lucasian Professor of Mathematics in 1669 with was a pretty great honor.


The Enlightenment hnd a grave affect on the arts and eucation. The Enlightenment caused the styling of music to be constatanly changing. In the early 1600 there was the Baroque st ylye of art that had eventually evolved in to Rococo. Rococo was a styling of art that was complex and elegant at the same time. Musical composers such equally Bach and Handel are the grandfathers of classical music. They are the one that pave the way for composers such every bit Haydn, Gluck and Mozart and many more than that come up afterward. When it came to instruction Descartes and Newton were the ones that the greastest impact. Both of these guys had created formulas and theories that arte nonetheless being used to this day.


Enlightenment changed the world of Arts and the mode of educational activity. From Bach to Mozart and Descartes to Newton. All of them had a fashion that they inmpacted the modern world. They created sciences of the mind and how nosotros percieve thing (psychology) and Bach 1 of the granf fathers of classical music imnnapct the manner of mucis to come up. As the way of enlightenment changed so did the music. The music went from conservitive to Secular, from playing in courts to performing to public audiences... just no matter their style still pleased their aduiences.


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Source: http://burdosclassroom.org/worldhistorywiki/index.php?title=The_Arts_and_Education_influenced_by_the_Enlightenment

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